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Nature For Nurture - Redbud Project Meeting 4-12-22

April's Redbud Project meeting will be held in person at Linwood Nature Preserve, Ecology Center instead of Zoom. The program will be recorded and posted on the website afterward.

Presented by Marsha Hopkins, PhD and Hall County Master Gardener Involvement and Interacting with nature for personal health and wellness

Sign Up to Find Out:

Who are some key researchers currently studying “Nature for Nurture”?

What positive changes in health occur when individuals interact with nature?

When did our society shift to a more sedentary, indoor existence?

Where are local places to experience nature in a safe and healthy environment?

Why is a continual relationship with nature necessary to a healthy life?

RSVP Required:

Seats Limited

Tuesday, April 12th at Linwood Nature Preserve

Ecology Center

118 Springview Drive

Gainesville, Georgia 30501

Gather: 6:30pm

Meeting: 7:00pm

Then, Save the Date! Trek to Native Plant Paradise

Saturday, April 30

Session #1, 11:00 am

Session #2. 2:00 pm

Registration required

8-10 persons per session



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